Org-Quest Research Limited is a full service survey research agency. We are equally capable of conducting research using quantitative (F2F – PAPI and CAPI, telephone, e-mail, etc.) and qualitative (FGD, in-depths, ethnographies, etc.) techniques. It may be noted that we have an in-house FGD room with viewing facility in our Dhaka office.
- Project design: We work closely with our clients to understand their research goals and objective, target audience, or market for the research. We collect the research brief from the client and can tailor the research objectives and design instruments that enable clients to collect actionable data based on their stated goals. We often help new client identifying their objective and design appropriate research that would serve their purpose.
- Sample design and selection: We design sample design which include different steps. First we define the sample frame required for specific studies. A sampling frame is a list of all the items in our population. It is a complete list of everyone or everything we want to study. Sometimes the sample frame would include the whole population of the country, sometime it include some specific type of population (e.g. head of household, main decision maker of the product or service, target beneficiaries of a project etc.). Sometimes the sample frame would include a specific ethnic group, population under specific age or gender. After defining the sample frame, we determine the sample size. In market research, the sample size is generally small, but surprisingly this small sample size can be good at representing large and varied population. Our sample plan also includes multi-stage probabilities of selection, weighting schemes, and more. We have our in-house experts who can develop scientific methodologies for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research, in addition to designing experimental and quasi-experimental approaches for impact evaluations, performance assessments, measurement of perception and any more. OrQuest has the capability to implement surveys, in-depth interview, focus groups, panels, retail monitoring studies and evaluations. We have the ability to use a variety of modes, including tablets, telephones (computer aided telephone interview), pen and paper and online platforms.
- Preparation and refinement of data collection instruments: Usually our experienced research team develops the questionnaire in English based on the research objective or information coverage. Sometimes we use some specific questionnaire template for specific type of studies (e.g. WASH, nutrition, disability etc.). We often receive the client’s draft of a questionnaire and then work with the local team to integrate content that is appropriate and relatable to the target population. When required, we conduct cognitive testing to validate questions are perceived in the way they were intended when drafted. Once the questionnaires are developed, it is shared with client for approval. After receiving the approval, we translate the questionnaire into Bangla and share it again with client. Through client or third-party verifications, we ensure the local language instrument reflects the original meaning behind the English text, so that nothing is lost in translation. We always conduct rigorous pre-tests to implement the survey instruments and assigned methodology. Very experienced enumerators or supervisors in presence of researchers conduct the piloting. Based on feedback and/or observations from the pilot, we liaise between clients to make any necessary adjustments.
- Scripting of the questionnaire: We generally propose computer aided personal interview (CAPI) or computer aided telephone interview (CATI) to conduct the surveys. It facilitates logic checks, skip patterns, and validations during the interview. This makes the survey more efficient and helps assure higher quality data. It also saves later efforts on data cleaning. In both the cases, the questionnaire is programmed using
(, a licensed software, by utilizing our own resources. All scripts is written in Bengali. CAPI programming is rendered questionnaire into a sequence of input prompts that will apply questionnaire logic, entry constraints and repeating sub-structures (if required). If necessary, the programming also takes care of random rotation of questions and options. If the questionnaire contains any grid, it is broken down into a sequence of input prompts in order to fit into the tablet screen and minimize data input error. Checklist, radio button, drop-down menu and basic formatting is used as applicable. Survey programming embeds skips and logic checks to ensure quality and consistency of the data.
Recruitment and Training of the enumerators: Before launching any survey, we recruit required number of field personnel for the studies mostly from our panel of experienced field interviewers. The size of the team depends on the scope of the study, stipulated timeline, geographical coverage and sample size for the study. We often recruit specialized enumerators who have relevant experience on the subject matter. Typically we hire enumerators locally so that they are familiar with the local dialect. OrQuest has sufficient pool of female enumerators, which enables us to recruit adequate number of female enumerators to address gender sensitive studies.
After preliminary selection, the Field Investigators (FI) and Supervisors undergo a training program, which includes explanation of project background, survey objective, familiarization with the relevant concepts and terminology, data collection mechanism, briefing on the data collection format, etc. Our research team participates the training to ensure the sampling techniques and interviewing procedures are correctly communicated to and implemented by the field team.
- Data collection: For pen and paper (PAPI) survey adequate number of questionnaire is printed and distributed among the teams. The operations manager ensures that the data collection teams have received sufficient number of questionnaire before the survey starts. The supervisor monitors the productivity of the survey, scrutinize all the questionnaire and send the questionnaire to OrQuest head office. The operations manager receive the questionnaires and share with the quality control (QC) team. Once the surveyed questionnaires are approved by quality control team, the approved questionnaires are shared with data processing team.
- For computer aided personal interview (CAPI) or computer aided telephone interview (CATI) survey, the operations manager ensures that each enumerators have access the programed questionnaires. Data is uploaded to a server on a daily basis. A Google Sheet is integrated with the server for real-time streaming of data. The client also has access to the sheet and is able to monitor data through this. Data capture using SurveyCTO will be done using tablets.
- Data processing and analysis
Code & Clean Data: OrQuest has a separate team for coding and data cleaning. They have the capability of working either with pre-defined data maps or generate them from scratch so that the final dataset reflects the desired format for merging and/or analysis. Our experienced coding team collects the list of all open-ended and semi open-ended responses and classification. The assign codes to each and every open-ended response and enter the codes into the program. The codes are then merged with the main database
Evaluate Field Team Performance: We have developed programs, which carefully analyze each interviewer’s total work, average length of interview, the response type, any inconsistency and assure the integrity, reliability, and accuracy of the data.
Analyze: Our in-house team of statisticians perform post-stratification and/or complex weighting schemes, based on project needs, so that the data reflect specified population parameters. Sometimes we also use some open source models to analyze the data.
- Report writing and presentation:
Convert the numbers into insight: We run advanced statistical model and test to analyses the data. Through our advanced analysis we turn numbers into insights. Those insights can drive better decision-making at every level. From develop agencies to marketers, from impact assessment to brand health measurement we interpret our findings by turning text and numbers into insights that support decision making. Our insights help the development agencies to rearrange their interventions, make adjustment in their logical frameworks or shift their focus from one objective to another. It helps the marketers to know the current status of their brand and product and fine-tune their business strategy. Our analysis and reporting helps the client to achieve their objective and understand their future action plan.