
Mr. M Monzurul Haque
Chairman and Managing Director
Mr. M Monzurul Haque is a market researcher with 38 years of experience. He acquired BA (Hons) and MA in Economics from Dhaka University, and MBA from IBA of Dhaka University. He is also a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) of the International Institute of Management Consultants, Australia. Mr. Haque started his career as a researcher in the International Trade Center (ITC), UNCTAD/GATT in January, 1980. In 1982, he joined Market Research Consultants of Bangladesh Limited (presently MRC-MODE) as Research Manager. Over the next ten years he served at the Micro Industries Development Assistance Society (MIDAS) as Assistant Project Management Officer; UNILEVER as Research Manager and Social & Marketing Research Associates (SOMRA) as Executive Director. In 1994, he established Quest Survey Research Ltd, which eventually evolved to Org-Quest Research Limited in 2005. Mr. Haque is also acting as the Chairman of Asset and Investment Management Services of Bangladesh Limited.Mr. M Monzurul Haque’s career at a glance
- 1980-1982 at International Trade Center (ITC), UNCTAD/GATT as Researcher
- 1982-1984 at Market Research Consultants of Bangladesh Ltd. (MRCB) as Research Manager
- 1984-1985at Micro Industries Development Assistance Society (MIDAS) as Assistant Project Management Officer/Senior Program Officer
- 1985-1991 at Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. as Manager (Market Research)
- 1991-1993 at Social and Marketing Research Associates (SOMRA) as Director
- 1994-2003 at ORG-MARG Quest (OMQ)/The Nielsen Company as Chairman and Managing Director (Founder)
- 1994-2003 at Org-Quest Research Ltd as Chairman and Managing Director (Founder)
Research Department

Mr. Mohammad Asadul Haque
Sr. Research Analyst
Mr. Mohammad Asadul Haque, a graduate and post-graduate of Department of Sociology from University of Dhaka, has more than 16 years remarkable experiences on qualitative and quantitative research in both social and market research. Before joining Org-Quest Research Limited he worked with The Nielsen Company Bangladesh and SOMRA-MBL. His main duties and responsibilities are assisting in developing research proposal, development and translation of questionnaires, development of training module, monitoring and supervision of the operations team, FGD moderation, conducting employee background verification and mystery shopper survey, and assisting in report writing. His valuable clients are BRAC Bank Limited, The City Bank Limited, Mutual Trust Bank Limited, AB Bank Limited, Citibank N.A., LafargeHolcim Bangladesh, The Daily Star etc.
Mohammad Asadul Haque’s career at a glance
- 2006- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Field Controller/ Research Executive/Sr. Research Analyst
- 2004-2005 at The Nielsen Company Bangladesh as Field Supervisor
- 2002-2003 at SOMRA-MBL as Field Investigator
Data Management & Analysis Department

Mr. Md. Rashid Omor
Manager, Research & Analysis
Mr. Rashid Omor holds a B. Sc. (Hons) degree in Statistics and an MBA, both from Jahangirnagar University. He has about 8 years of experience in survey research with specialization in sampling frame development, sample design and weighting, data entry application development for CAPI, CATI and PAPI surveys, system administration, data management & processing, multivariate analysis such as cluster analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, conjoint analysis, correspondence map etc.
Mr. Omor is currently working at Org-Quest Research Limited in the role of System Administrator, and Data Management, Research and Analysis Manager. He leads and trains the data management team of OrQuest which comprises of programmers, data processing and editing assistants, data entry operators and supervisors. He is also responsible for maintaining liaison with clients including World Bank Group, International Finance Corporation (IFC), UNICEF, UNDP, D3 Systems, KATALYST, Social Marketing Company (SMC), Lafarge, Arla Foods and other internal organ of OrQuest like field operations team and research team for quality control purpose and also to resolve issues related to data. He is also responsible for delivering final dataset and processed data in accordance with agreed analysis plan. Additionally, Mr. Omor assists in research designing that meets clients’ need, write proposals, prepare training module for CAPI/CATI application, PowerPoint based analytical reports and oral presentations.
Before joining Org-Quest Research Limited, he worked with JPRSW Research & Strategy and INNOVISION Consulting Private Limited.
Mr. Md. Rashid Omor’s career at a glance
- 2013- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Research & Analysis Manager
- 2012-2013 at JPRSW Research & Strategy as Research Analyst

Mr. Zahidur Rahman
Data Processing Officer
Mr. Zahidur Rahman completed his graduation and post-graduation in statistics from Jahangirnagar University. His responsibilities include assisting in CAPI development using SurveyCTO, configure Tabs, assist in train up the enumerators in CAPI, data monitoring and QC, labeling, coding, and cleaning of raw dataset, data processing using SPSS, Stata, and R.Mr. Zahidur Rahman’s career at a glance
- 2022- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Data Processing Officer
Operations Department

Mr. Kazi Mahbubul Haque
Director, Operations
Mr. Kazi Mahbubul Haque has more than 28 years of experience in managing overall field operation activities of survey research. Mr. Haque has a B. Com. And an M. Com. in Management from Dhaka College. Before joining Org-Quest Research Limited in 2004, he worked with SOMRA-MBL and ACNielsen Bangladesh Limited in different roles pertaining to field operations.
Presently, he is working as Operations Director in Org-Quest Research Limited. His role includes recruitment, training and mobilization of enumerators and supervisors, questionnaire pre-testing, preparation of training manual, ensuring quality of data collection and overall field operations management for both CAPI and PAPI based surveys.
Mr. Kazi Mahbubul Haque’s career at a glance
- 2004- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Field Operations Manager/ Field Operations Director
- 2003-2004 at The Nielsen Company Bangladesh as Deputy Field Operations Manager
- 1994-2002 at ORG MARG QUEST Research Ltd. (OMQ) as Senior Operations Executive
- 1991-1994 at SOMRA-MBL as Operations Executive

Mr. Iqbal Ahmed
Sr. Operations Executive
Mr. Iqbal Ahmed has more than 22 years of experience in field training, development of FGD guide, Quantitative Survey Administration; Supervision of Data Entry and Coding, conducting FGDs as a moderator, conducting in-depth interviews, FGD transcription, supervision of back-checks, spot-checks, cross- check of field data. He has expertise in enterprise surveys and agro surveys. Mr. Ahmed has a degree of BA and MA from National University.
Iqbal Ahmed’s career at a glance
- 2005- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Field Controller/Operations Executive/Sr. Operations Executive
- 2004-2005 at Paricharja - CARE Partnership Project
- 2002-2003 at The Nielsen Company Bangladesh Limited as Field Supervisor
- 1998-2001 at ORG MARG QUEST Research Ltd. (OMQ) as Field Supervisor

Mr. Alamgir Hossain
Sr. Operations Executive
Mr. Alamgir Hossain has over 18 years of experience in field operations of survey research. Before joining Org-Quest Research Limited he worked with ORG MARG QUEST Research Ltd. (OMQ) and The Nielsen Company Bangladesh Limited. He has experience in supervising the operations team, conducting field training and supervising data entry. He has also experience on FGD moderation, conducting in-depth interviews, verifying data quality through back-checks, spot-checks. He completed BA from National University.
Alamgir Hossain’s career at a glance
- 2006- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Field Controller/Operations Executive/Sr. Operations Executive
- 2004-2005 at The Nielsen Company Bangladesh Limited as Operations Executive
- 2002-2003 at ORG MARG QUEST Research Ltd. (OMQ) as Field Controller

Mr. Humayun Kabir
Sr. Operations Executive
Mr. Humayun Kabir has more than 20 years of experience in field operations. Before joining Org-Quest Research Limited he worked with ORG MARG QUEST Research Ltd. (OMQ) and The Nielsen Company Bangladesh Limited. He has experience in supervising the operations team, conducting field training, in-depth interviews and verifying data quality through back-checks and spot-checks. He completed Bachelor of Arts from National University.
Humayun Kabir’s career at a glance
- 2005- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Field Controller/Operations Executive/Sr. Operations Executive
- 2003-2004 at The Nielsen Company Bangladesh Limited as Operations Executive
- 1998-2002 at ORG MARG QUEST Research Ltd. (OMQ) as Field Controller
Quality Control Department

Mr. Kazi Kafiul Islam
Manager, Planning & Quality Control
Mr. Kazi Kafiul Islam has over 35 years of experience in fieldwork quality control as well as supervision of field operations team. Mr. Islam is a B. Com. and M. Com. in Management from Jagannath University. He worked with MRC-MODE, SOMRA-MBL and ACNielsen Bangladesh Limited in different capacities before joining Org-Quest Research Limited and moving into the role of Quality Control Manager. His has experience in supervising quality audit team, verifying data quality through back-checks, spot-checks, respondent and response verification by working independently of the field team and reporting directly to the project manager. He also has expertise in field planning, supervision and field operations management.Mr. Kazi Kafiul Islam’s career at a glance
- 2004- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Planning & Quality Control Manager
- 2003-2004 at The Nielsen Company Bangladesh as Planning & Quality Control Manager
- 1994-2002 at ORG MARG QUEST Research Ltd. (OMQ) as Field Operation Manager
- 1988-1994 at SOMRA-MBL as Senior Research Officer
- 1986-1988 at MRC-MODE as Operation Officer
- 1984-1985 at SARM Associates Ltd. as Investigator/Data Analyst

Mr. Muhammad Shahariar Ahmad
Quality Control Officer
Mr. Muhammad Shahariar Ahmad has over 13 years of experience in Quality Control for CAPI/PAPI surveys. Mr. Ahmad completed Bachelor of Commerce from National University. He is adept in SurveyCTO App, FoxPro and Microsoft Office Applications.Mr. Muhammad Shahariar Ahmad’s career at a glance
- 2009- to date at Org-Quest Research Limited as Quality Control Officer.
Accounts & Admin